How to build a strong team as a business asset while developing the product?All of this is from my personal experience. I personally executed all of this as a technical lead while working at startups and huge…Nov 6, 20241Nov 6, 20241
Best practices & guidelinesCode is just a tool. Some abstraction which you can’t even touch. It’s a tool, which for some is the closest thing to superpowers, but…Apr 22, 2024Apr 22, 2024
Queue of execution in DynamoDBIn many scenarios you have a bunch of items which you want to execute one after another. There are many ways how to get it done. Many times…Jan 5, 2023Jan 5, 2023
What is AWS EC2 cross availability zones network lag vs inside same zone?Simple setup: 4 EC2 instances:Nov 29, 2022Nov 29, 2022
AWS Api Gateway to SQS, step-by-step screenshots 5, 2022Nov 5, 2022
Building api architecture on modern AWS events-based cloud infrastructureI build with NodeJs and usually using expressjs for the backend and ReactJS with Redux and immutable js for the frontend. I like this…Nov 27, 2021Nov 27, 2021
CloudEvents, interoperability & feature of the internet techI wish after this decade many APIs on the internet would return responses followed by CloudEvent specification. Doesn’t matter https, wss…Nov 26, 2021Nov 26, 2021
Great work arounds to run lambda on exact time yet there are some limits to keep in mind:- DynamoDB will take up to 2 days to remove item by TTL, so accuracy is not within minutes or hours, but 2 days. You may ask to delete item…Apr 5, 2021Apr 5, 2021
Learning from AWSNo question AWS is built by great people. It’s 200+ services are used by huge enterprises hitting databases at 5M queries per second and…Mar 3, 2021Mar 3, 2021